Introducing Flittz. All the stories with none of the strings.
Buy one-off articles from top news sources across the U.S. and Canada, right on the news web site.
No subscription needed. Buy only what you want, when you want, for pennies per story.
Simple. Easy. Set it up once, then buy on the fly wherever your search for news takes you. Get access to the stories you want, the way you want, when others can’t.
Start now and get a $2.00 credit.
What is Flittz?
Flittz is a network of hundreds of newspapers and content providers.
Flittz unlocks walled-off content around the web for readers who need a specific story and don’t want a long term commitment to get it.
If you move from Chicago but still want to track the Cubs with your favorite Tribune columnist, you simply look for that story, find Flittz and purchase for pennies.
If you are on a social site and a friend tells you about a story that’s a must read, head to that article, click the Flittz button, and it’s yours–even if it’s behind a paywall!
Flittz is a better experience for you, to get the article you want, when you want it and only pay nickels and dimes instead of hundreds of dollars.
Flittz gets you exclusive access to stories others are blocked from. Your wallet works with the top news sources in the Flittz Content Network. If you hit a paywall and don’t see the Flittz button, ask them for it. If they don’t respond, drop us a note!
It’s easy. No app to download. No special website to visit.
Click sign up and provide your name and contact preferences. Use your Facebook or Google ID if you want.
Select your preferred payment. Flittz will refill automatically when you are running low.
Click on your article and read.
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Plus, to get you started, we throw in $2.00 — on average that starts you with 8 or more free stories!