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Flittz allows publishers to engage with readers that might otherwise flit away, creating a new revenue stream. Data from Flittz also gives publishers valuable insight into reader habits and behaviors, making it easier to re-engage with readers.


More importantly, Flittz is a network leading publishers across the U.S. and Canada, working together to take back control over the relationship between the reader and their content.


Patrick Glennon MG2 President | Horsham, PA | Flittz | 267-657-0207

Patrick Glennon

Patrick Glennon has designed and developed customer engagement technology solutions for more than 25 years and has dedicated his career to developing innovative solutions to help subscription-based firms be effective marketers.


When Patrick founded Marketing G2 more than a decade ago, his goal was to make his company the leading provider of cutting-edge marketing technology solutions for subscription-based businesses. Today, the MG2 Engagement Platform, now including technology that cares for a customer from the point of initial engagement through recurring billing, is at the front of the pack.  MG2 is honored to be the chosen strategic marketing partner of many of the top media companies throughout the US and Canada.


As the leader of a team of innovative technology and marketing experts, Patrick is the chief architect behind Marketing G2’s suite of solutions that enable subscription-based businesses with the tools and knowledge necessary to save time and money while growing audience and revenue.


Prior to founding Marketing G2, Patrick was a partner at ASTech Intermedia. He also held executive positions with the former Knight Ridder, Inc., working at The Philadelphia Inquirer and Daily News. A graduate of Temple University, Patrick is an active community member and serves in a variety of volunteer capacities.

Micropayment News | Horsham, PA | Flittz | 267-657-0207
Micropayment Information | Horsham, PA | Flittz | 267-657-0207
Marketing G2 Company History | Horsham, PA | Flittz | 267-657-0207
Flittz Press Release | Horsham, PA | Flittz | 267-657-0207
For Immediate Release | Horsham, PA | Flittz | 267-657-0207
New Micropayment Platform | Horsham, PA | Flittz | 267-657-0207
News Industry News | Horsham, PA | Flittz | 267-657-0207
Newspaper Industry News | Horsham, PA | Flittz | 267-657-0207
Technology News | Horsham, PA | Flittz | 267-657-0207
Software News | Horsham, PA | Flittz | 267-657-0207